
Tuesday, July 8, 2008

What's in a name?

Our Nic seems to have caused quite a riffle of astonishment by announcing that she and Keith have named their new baby daughter "Sunday Rose" (or was that "Sunday Roast" in homage to Tom Cruise and Aussie lamb?).

But within my family we're no strangers to such names - our family tree includes a "Saturday"!

My late sister-in-law, Saturday Rosenberg, was a very talented actress, screenwriter and a pioneer in stand-up comedy in Australia. Her character, Debbie Fellini, was an early version of the Kath and Kim characters. Sadly Saty, as she was known to us, died on 13th August 1998 when she was hit by a tourist bus whilst crossing a road in central Sydney.

She was exuberant, quirky, creative and outgoing, quite the perfect personality to match her unconventional name. It makes you wonder, doesn't it, whether we grow to fit into our names?
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1 comment:

  1. So sorry to hear this. Am sure I remember her on children's TV in WA. She was a breath of fresh air.
    Cotton Ward


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