
Saturday, April 5, 2008

Scatterday A - Week 33

This week our letter is A

The first category is Restaurant, and for this I immediately thought of Matt Moran's Aria. But since I've only been there once (courtesy of some generous friends) and wasn't in a position to photograph it this week, you'll have to make do with Aria's entry in the White Pages. Close enough?

The next category, Things You Find in the Dark, really had me scratching my head. I thought of annoyances like tripping over our cat (animal) or walking into a spider(arachnid) web, or ants that seem to find leftover food on the kitchen bench during the night - but when I thought about how to go about photographing these objects I appreciated an apparent anomaly here. If it's dark, then you can't see anything, can you? (But they're all in my photo - you do believe me, don't you?)

Finally we have Turquoise, and here I present my turquoise-toned Acme brand AM/FM radio.
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  1. Well done. That was harder than X wasn't it? I love your dark things.

  2. Seems you an I think alike re the restuarant...

  3. If you had the flash turned on, they all would have shown up!
    Love the ACME!

  4. ha ha ha, love your take on Something In The Darl

  5. Aria is on my must visit list Di, haven't made it yet but there is still hope :-)

  6. Snap on Aria, I do love that place. Though I "stole" a photo from their yummy website.


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