
Saturday, March 29, 2008

More beautiful flowers

I've been thoroughly spoilt again - but this time I know where they came from! I did a small favour for some friends, and this morning a beautiful bunch of lilies and roses arrived. Thank you so much, girls.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Birthday, Moo!

Our darling friend, Moo, has reached a Significant Birthday (though you'd never know it!) She's a generous and caring friend, an unstoppable gadabout and wonderful hostess, and a marvellous role-model for her adoring grandchildren. It's a little late, but I want to wish you a very Happy Birthday, Moo!

Monday, March 17, 2008

And the Winner is....


Studio Christine! I'll be in touch with you by email, Christine, to find out your snail mail address, and will be popping a fat quarter of one of my favourite Moda fabrics in the mail to you.

Thank you all for giving me such fun (but rather too much stress trying to choose a winner!) and entering my very first blog competition. Have a look at all the entries in the comment box for "Life's Little Mysteries #1"

Life's Little Mysteries #1 - Competition results

Quality, rather than quantity, was the best way to describe this competition's entries, as a handful of keen blog-buddies exercised their imaginations to suggest how a huge bunch of fresh lillies came to be dumped over my front fence last week.

Suggestions were varied - jilted lovers, a shy suitor, God, and the Easter Froggy! All made me smile, and I found it impossible to choose the best. So I felt it was fairest to decide the winner by a draw.

I wrote the names of every entrant on a card, and popped them into a shopping bag.

Then I asked my favourite barrel-girl to draw a card out of the bag. As you can see, she took her responsibility quite seriously.

(It's all in the way you hold your mouth)

Can you see whose name is on the card?

Sunday, March 16, 2008

As exciting as....

...watching grass grow!

Last Sunday in creche we were talking about how God makes us grow, and I came up with this simple but fun craft idea.
The children and I made these grasshead faces on plastic disposable plates.
I drew faces on their plates with a felt pen. Then we snipped some of those little circular make-up remover pads in half, placed the halves around the top of the plate where the hair would be, poured a little water on, just enough to dampen the cotton wool, and sprinkled grass seeds over.
Then they took them home with instructions to place the plate on a sunny window sill and water it a little every day.

Tiny green shoots appeared on Wednesday, and this is what mine looked like by today - lovely long spiky green "hair".
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Monday, March 10, 2008

Life's Little Mysteries #1

Yesterday afternoon I discovered a huge bunch of luscious pink lillies hiding in the shrubbery in my front garden bed, as if they had just been tossed over the stone wall from the footpath. None of my family admitted to ownership of this delightful bundle, so I popped them into my two biggest vases and we've been enjoying them ever since.

Serendipitously, we are having a family birthday celebration tonight, so these lovelies are very welcome.

How did they come to be there? That's what I'd like to know. Can you tell me your theory, in 25 words or less?

If you'd like to exercise your 'grey matter' - and win an insubstantial prize for the best suggestion (funniest/most outrageous..) - please leave your contribution in my comments box up till midnight Friday (14th). I'll announce the winner next Monday (17th).

Saturday, March 8, 2008

February Garden

February Garden
Originally uploaded by dijobbins
I know it's March already, but here are some of the flowers that were blooming in and around my home in February.

The cyclamen was a real surprise. After performing splendidly last winter it had been holidaying over summer in the shade of a rhododendron, but decided it was feeling so cool it might as well burst into bloom. Today, several weeks after I took this photo, it has several more flowers and is looking decidedly happy with our milder than usual summer. I know just how it feels!

Friday, March 7, 2008

Scatterday V - Part 1

Originally uploaded by dijobbins
The voracious letter V was just too big to contain in a single blog entry this week, so here are three!

Our first category is PINK which, as you can imagine, was reasonably easy for me! Here are three different shades of pink velour from my voluminous stash.

Scatterday V - Part 2

Big V Things
Originally uploaded by

Here we are on our big Vacation (3 months' Long Service Leave in 2005) swanning in the Piazza San Marco in the big city of Venice.

This big vista along the Grand Canal still makes my heart beat faster. It's just like a Canaletto painting!

And only last week this big vessel (the QEII) visited Sydney and the Princess and I went down to the end of the street to say "bye, bye".

Scatterday V - Part 3

V Signs
Originally uploaded by dijobbins

Villers-Bretonneux in Northern France, where my DH and I spent an unforgettable Armistice Day in 2005. As the only Australians in a town where Australians are seen as heroes for having saved them from the German advance, we were welcomed and invited to join in their march and morning tea.

The local Village Store was an obvious subject for my camera this afternoon...

As was this Visitor Parking sign.

How much deeper into my archives will I need to dig for next week's Scatterday?

Thursday, March 6, 2008

New header - and a new blog!

My lovely blogging buddy Lindi sent me a new blog header on Sunday, and instructions for me to create my own in future. Isn't she clever? I've already applied my newly-acquired knowledge to create a header for my new blog.

I'll continue to post on this blog - I'm such a 'junkie' where the stat counter is concerned and I love to see those hits accumulate - but felt it might be wise to post some photos, particularly those of my little granddaughter, on a more restricted site that requires readers to be approved.

I will try to send emails to everyone in my address book who I think might be interested in my family and friends, letting you know I have added you to the list of approved readers, but if you are someone who I know, and if I miss out on you, please let me know in the comments section below. I don't mean to exclude friends. Please just give me a couple of days to work it all out - I'm feeling my way here :-)

Monday, March 3, 2008

Cooking for Dummies

Several posts ago I told you how, for 4 weeks at a time, we entertain engaged couples who are doing our church's "Christian Marriage" course on Sundays. Last Sunday was the final week of the current course and we made it a little more special by inviting the entire 5.30pm congregation back for dinner with us.
I try to make such occasions as simple as possible. Anyone who offers to bring food is embraced with gratitude and asked to bring a salad (no last minute fiddling for me!). I use disposable plastic plates - but real cutlery and wine glasses! We provide the meat, on this occasion several large rumps of beef roasted on the barbie, and for dessert I make a selection of slices and tarts, easy finger food.
Last week my mother gave me a copy of the new book, "4 Ingredients" by Kim McCosker and Rachael Bermingham, and I must share with you a great tart recipe I found in it. Like all the recipes in this clever little book, it uses just 4 ingredients and is foolproof for a "dummy" like me. You can see these little beauties in the photo above.
Caramel Ginger Tarts
12 ginger nut bickies
400g can Nestle Top 'n' Fill Caramel
1/2 tub whipped cream
1 banana (optional, IMHO)
Place cookies on the individual circles of a patty cake tin and bake in 150 degrees C oven for 10 minutes. Remove and gently mould the softened bickies so they make shallow tart cases. When cool, add enough caramel to fill each bickie. Top with a dob of whipped cream and a slice of banana (I left this off).
They are absolutely delicious!