
Saturday, February 2, 2008

Scatterday Z Free-for-all...

Scatterday Z
Originally uploaded by dijobbins
Thanks, Michelle, for being gentle with us and not setting any categories this week!

This challenge has been fun - so much so, in fact, that I had lots of Z things I could have included. I omitted my zygocactus in its hanging pot under a tree in my garden, a zucchini, and my Zimbabwean friend Wendi, because I liked the way the colours went together in my mosaic just as it is....aahhh, pretty!

So here you have, firstly, a zebra, which I photographed myself when I visited the beautiful Singapore Zoo last year. I must say, too, that the animals in that zoo look very happy and contented.

I've included a photo of the entrance to the Singapore Zoo too.

The zinnias in my garden are creating a splash of summery colour.

And this bright red zipper is cheery too!

Zounds! I did it!


  1. You actually had a photo of a Zebra! Not only that you were able to find it!! I am impressed! Thought of Zinnia but couldn't even remember what they looked like, yours does go well in your Mosaic.

  2. a zygocatus sounds fastinating I must look it up, well done.

  3. Zounds - good word! There used to be a cartoon character that said 'zounds' a lot but I can't think who it was.

    Zips are a popular choice this week. Zoo! Of course! Good one

  4. Zounds - you're clever. It wasn't anywhere near as hard as we all thought. Z's are everywhere.

  5. Nicely done, definetly a healthy looking zebra there.

  6. how do you get the photos set up like this

  7. Beautiful! I love the colour combos.


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