
Sunday, January 13, 2008

Scatterday E - Week 21

Scatterday E - Week 21
Originally uploaded by dijobbins
I'm back!

My slackness of recent weeks has been due to a mini-break of 2 days away between Christmas and New Year, and then being attacked by a virus that had me in the grip of an all-consuming lethargy.

But I have done my homework this week and, apart from a recalcitrant "E" that simply refuses to sit up straight in spite of repeated rotations, I am happy to hand it in for your appraisal.

Our letter this week is "E", and the categories...

White - An exercise bike! Yes, in my house it's a White Elephant. Planning to remedy this state of affairs in 2008, though. How many fellow Scatterdaisies, I wonder, have a similar white elephant sitting quietly in the corner...

Terrifying Things - An empty page! I know it doesn't look too frightening to most of you. But when you've been asked to write a couple of paragraphs as a tribute to a friend who's having a significant birthday, and when these words are to be on behalf of around 20 of her buddies, and when the deadline to hand over my piece is looming fast and writer's block has firmly set in - that empty page (or in my case, computer screen) is mighty daunting. That's what happened to me last week. Inspiration eventually struck and I dashed off a piece of verse as I drank my morning coffee. Phew!

Plant World - This is an Echium. "A what?", I hear you chorus. An echium! For around 10 months of the year it sits sedately in the garden, a pretty grey-green velvety leaved shrub, hardly noticed by passers-by. Come September, though,it throws up spectacular purple-blue flower spikes on candelabra-like branches up to a metre tall, and stops admirers in their tracks with its gorgeous display. This is our specimen which is only a baby - we're expecting great things of you, little echium.


  1. Welcome back! Good to hear you're better.
    Echiums are lovely, aren't they? I even like them not in flower.
    Empty page is a really good one! We should have all thought of that. Now if you'd had a page of white paper made from cotton/linen/rice/papyrus you would have all 3 categories in one photo! That would have been even better than my attempt. LOL
    Maybe your E was exhausted!

  2. Glad to see you back Di and I think most exercise bikes are White Elephants aren't they? I've never bought one for that reason but there again I don't do any exercise much at the moment... maybe I should borrow yours, the exercise of getting it here would be something at least LOL

  3. Good luck with your Echiums! We planted some when we first shifted into our new house 35 years before we shifted out - each year they grew as tall as the house, attracted millions of bees and reseeded next year - we had them growning for 35 years and they're probably still coming up in the neighbours lawn! But I still used to love them, such a pretty blue.

  4. I too have a white elephant excercise bike Di - only mind kinda grey really 'cause it gets used occasionally. LOL


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