
Friday, December 14, 2007

Scatterday D - Week 17

This week's Scatterday is brought to you in haste by the letter D and the extremely disorganised and distracted Di.

My computer is about to be hurled against the wall unless it gets its act together and starts to think faster - it's slowed to a crawl and I don't have enough hours in my life that I am prepared to waste while I wait for it to create a mosaic for me.

So, I'm afraid it's a No Frills / No Mosaic Scatterday this week.

The categories are:

Sewing - Here we have DMC embroidery cottons.

Vehicle - and here is a Delivery Van that was obligingly parked across the road this afternoon (a bit of a pattern emerging here - see last week's Kombi Van)

Touchy, Feely - and who better than my elderly, but very cuddly, huggable and gorgeous Dog, Chloe. Golden retrievers are such affectionate and gentle dogs!


  1. Chloe is gorgeous. Love the colours in your threads.

  2. Ah, snap on the Dog theme! Love the rest of your choices and DMC threads - I have a zillion. Never thought of them.

  3. Dogs seem to be very popular this week but my darling Tessa has gone to that great doggy bowl in the sky :-( DMC threads - how clever! I have a considerable collectio of those too. Vans seem to like parking opposite your house?

  4. Great minds think alike on the DMC and the dog! Your dear dog has such a lovely kindly expression

  5. I had to think and think for sewing, and least two Scatterdaisies have the elegantly simple DMC thread solution...

  6. Couldn't get all the pictures kept telling me there was an error. So my computer might go against the same wall. Saw the kombi and bet the dog is cute


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