
Saturday, November 10, 2007

Scatterday O - Week 12

Here you are, girls - it's late, but not too late I hope. Lately the weeks seem to fill so fast with the everyday minutiae of life that if it weren't for Scatterday my postings might be a really indecent period apart.

I've deliberately avoided checking everyone else's blogs so there was no temptation to - gasp! - copy from those cleverer than I am. So any similarities are absolutely unintentional and simply show that great minds think alike.

This week's Scatterday is brought to you by the letter "O" and the categories - Breakfast, Shiny Things and Small Things.

In our house breakfast is spelled with a capital "C" (for Coffee!!!!), but I found this carton of delicious orange juice from the Original Juice Co. in my fridge.

When I switch it on my Ott Lite is definitely shiny! even if not in the sense strictly intended here... And it's pink!

This small and dainty pair of opera glasses belonged to my late mother-in-law and I think they're really pretty.

Off to do my homework for next week! I don't want to be kept in after school by the Chief Scatterdaisy!


  1. I've been waiting Di... I always enjoy your Scatterdaises, love the Ott Light and especially the Opera Glasses, aren't they absolutely beautiful!

  2. Never too late Di. Great choices and those opera glasses are beautiful. Ott Lites got a bit of a look in for a few people and I never even thought of them!

  3. Snap with the Ott-Lite! I didn't know they came in pink though, mine's grey! And I love the opera glasses, aren't they gorgeous.

  4. 'Tis a sin to covet, but I do covet those opera glasses.

  5. Wonderful choices Di. I too have an ott light, but as usual, the obvious escapes me. I always feel very remedial when looking at what everyone else has done.

  6. Love your O things - those opera glasses are too pretty to use, aren't they?

  7. I love the Opera Glasses, they're just gorgeous.


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