
Saturday, October 6, 2007

Scatterday C - Week 7

Scatterday C - Week 7
Originally uploaded by dijobbins
This week Scatterday is brought to you by the letter C, and the categories Furniture, Pizza Toppings and Hobbies. A really nice one!

Furniture - My favourite chair, from my bedroom. Of course it's pink.

Pizza topping - A big knob of mozzarella cheese. Yummmmm!

Hobbies - This is a detail from a cross stitch I created of a house we lived in for 10 years. Cross stitch can be so relaxing - though I don't do much these days.


  1. Oh I do like your pink chair, it's not too pink for me and it looks very comfortable and cosy. cheers Pennie

  2. I am finally home to look at all the posts I missed this morning. Looks like a lot of us are also cross stitchers. Yours is lovely.
    Hope you like next week's categories!


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