
Friday, September 7, 2007

Scatterday R (a little early)

Scatterday R
Originally uploaded by dijobbins
This week Scatterday is brought to you by the letter R, and the categories Plant Life, Childhood and The Arts - and was a real challenge for me!

Plant Life - I have captured one of the gorgeous ranunculus flowers in my front garden, after a shower of rain. I bought the corms at the Melbourne Garden Show in March, and they are all shades of pink, red, burgundy and white.

Childhood - Who else but my favourite little girl, Alexanne, with her soft, cuddly rabbit.

The Arts - Wikipedia tells me that Literature is a branch of The Arts, so I went to our bookshelves and selected some books written by authors whose names begin with the letter R. Whether all these volumes should be considered literature is another question entirely, and no correspondence will be entered into!


  1. What a great choice I have just joined this challenge and will be posting my photos tomorrow. Love your choice

  2. Great ideas Di! Gosh isn't that ranunculus a stunner!

  3. That's a beautiful ranunculus - I'd love to grow things like that, but my green fingers only extend as far as edible things at the moment!

  4. Well done Di! The flower is a stunner but that child is more gorgeous than anything! What about next week though!

  5. Your Ranunculus are up early, mine are only green at the moment... clever you, cheers Pennie

  6. The same authors as I have on my library shelf. Of course they are Literature.
    Well done Di.


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