
Friday, September 14, 2007

Scatterday Q - Week 4

Scatterday Q
Originally uploaded by dijobbins
Hello. My name is Di, and I'm a Scatterday addict.

Please don't try to rehabilitate me - I'm having too much fun.

From the moment I receive the next week's challenge my sluggish grey cells stir into action and, along with the fiendish Sydney Morning Herald Friday crossword by DA, provide the perfect defence against advancing brain-mush.

This week's Scatterday is brought to you by the letter Q and the categories Music, Square Things and Clothing.

Music - Sunny, gorgeous mother of my seriously cute granddaughter Alexanne, volunteered her CD of the quartet, Queen. Daresay they used the odd quaver in their compositions too. Not just a pretty face, my darling Sunny!

Square Things - No, my extraordinary daughter Sarah is not "square". However this photo of her on her graduation day was taken in the quadrangle at Sydney University, a very square area, by definition. My DH and I, as well as two of our children,are all graduates of Sydney University, so it's a pretty special place. However in my day (donning 'Old Lady' hat here) the only day you were allowed to walk on the grass in this quadrangle was on your graduation day. These days I believe you can actually sit there as an undergrad and eat your lunch!!!! Is this the end of civilisation as we know it???

Clothing - I have an exquisite Chinese satin quilted jacket, given to me many years ago. It's reversible and since I couldn't decide which side to show you, I had a bet both ways and made a mini-mosaic of both the red and blue sides.


  1. Another 'Queen' addict - like Michelle. Beautiful quadrangle. Haven't seen Sydney Uni. Must visit one day when I go to Sydney.

  2. Well done Di! Sydney Uni looks like it has gorgeous buildings

  3. Di Jobbins - you and I are channelling in the same Q dimension. Love your Scatterday choices and I'll see you at the Scatterbrain Support Group next week LOL

  4. Aaaahhh we were all in the Syd Uni Quad when Briony did her thing... and I love your quilted satin jacket, have I seen you in it?? Pennie


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