
Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Baby Shower

With 3 only weeks until Ben and Sunny’s bub is due we had a Baby Shower this afternoon, and their young friends gave them some beautiful and very thoughtful gifts.

It was another occasion for lots of laughs as we played “Pin the Nappy on the Baby”, Guess Sunny’s Girth, and a game with buttons that broke the ice and had the guests mixing in no time.

Everyone was given 5 buttons at the beginning of the afternoon, and had to hand one over if caught by another guest saying the word “baby”. I lost mine early. The winner was the one with the most buttons at the end of the afternoon - and was Sunny herself!

1 comment:

  1. What a gorgeous baby Di, so much hair, you deserve to brag and I love the cot quilt too.
    Love & Hugs
    Suzanne in Sawtell


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