
Saturday, February 3, 2007

Woo hoo! Another quilt finished!

Once upon a time, back in the days when I was new to both quilting and eBay, I bought a bundle of gorgeous charm squares in floral pinks and greens, my very favourite colour combination for quilts. I stitched them together, alternating with white-on-white squares, and even added setting triangles along the side and a border.
However I came seriously unstuck when I began to machine quilt it. In a moment of madness I chose to use a variegated quilting thread in pastel shades, but after several passes across the quilt I realised I had made a serious mistake. The beige and pink shades looked passable, but every now and then a blue length would show up in a totally inappropriate area of the pattern.

A more dedicated quilter would have unpicked the machine stitching, but not me - life's too short to unpick metres and metres of machine quilting. I folded it up and hid it in the cupboard where it has languished ever since. Until last week when I decided to have another go at finishing it, using the variegated pastel thread again, and discovered that the more I quilted, the less noticeable the variegated thread became.

This will never be an heirloom quilt. It's destined to be draped over a couch in my pink and green lounge room where it looks quite pretty. However I've finished another quilt, and that's a great feeling!

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